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 Rong Ju Cherng

Rong Ju Cherng

National Cheng Kung University


Dual-Task in posture control for children with developmental coordination disorder Posture control for children with developmental coordination disorder Quantitative analysis of the effect of weight support suspension system for children with spastic cerebral palsy in suspended treadmill walking training NSC93-2213-E006-047 Comparing the effect of treadmill walking training and traditional exercise therapy on walking function for children with spastic cerebral palsy NSC92-2218-E006-003 Role of alertness and attention on balance control: a developmental study on age NSCa91-2320-B-006-069 Development of the balance control system and its interaction with the attention system NSC90-2314-B-006-129 Dynamic balance control in walking for children with spastic cerebral palsy NSC89-2314-B-006-135-M08 Development of balance control and motor abilities for children with learning disabilities coupled with motor deficits NSC89-2320-B-006-M08

Research Interest

PhD in Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (1995/09~2001/06) MS in Physical Therapy, Department of Physical Therapy, New York University, USA (1984/09~1986/06) BS in Physical Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University (1976/09~1980/06) Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, National Cheng Kung University ('10- Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, National Cheng Kung University ('01-'09) Associate Professor, Institute of Allied Health Professions, National Cheng Kung University ('03-) Lecturer, Department of Physical Therapy, National Cheng Kung University ('92-'01)