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 Fatma hegazy

Fatma hegazy

Associate Professor
University of Sharjah
United Arab Emirtes


Ph.D. of Physical Therapy, 2001 M.Sc. of Physical Therapy, 1997 B.Sc. of Physical Therapy, 1992 Prevalence of Scoliosis in UAE School Children. A Cross-sectional Study, University of Sharjah, 2017. The Effect of Ultrasound on Osseointegration and Marginal bone loss around implant-supported Prosthesis using CBCT”, University of Sharjah, 2017 (Submitted) Relationship between Obesity and Level of Physical Activity among UAE Primary School Children, 2013.

Research Interest

Research Interests: Modern Technology/ advanced techniques in Physiotherapy management for different pediatric cases, Physiotherapy for different surgical approaches in pediatrics, Electrotherapy and Electromagnetic field, Gait and Motion analysis, Posture analysis